Deaccession Synonym - Deaccessioning Museum - Deaccession Featured Recommendations:
Book: A Deaccession Reader - Amer Assn of Museums
Book: Sothebys: Important Americana, including Property for Deaccession by the Board of Trustees for Historic Deerfield, Inc. - Sotheby's
Book: Milwaukee Auction Galleries - Sale 182 - June 24 & 25, 1988 - Important Deaccession Sale From Bergstrom-mahler Museum, Neenah, Wisconsin
eBooks: Disposal: An Essential Tool (Museum Collection Management) - Kimberly Hickinbotham
Book: A Deaccession Reader by Weil, Stephen E. (1997) Paperback - American Association of Museums
Book: Painting and Sculpture From the Museum of Modern Art: Catalog of Deaccessions 1929 Through 1998 - NY: Museum of Modern Art
eBooks: Cashing in on Culture: Betraying the Trust at the Rose Art Museum - Hol Art Books
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